Ritron RCC-427-XT
The RCC-427-XT is a UHF (450-470MHz) ClubCall Package designed specifically for golf courses. This package includes a UHF Wireless callbox (RQX-427-XT-CC), a UHF 2 Watt Base Station Radio (JBS-447D-GG) and UHF Portable Radio (NT-470-GG). The kit comes equip with a JBS-MMK Mounting Bracket for the base station radio, and the following accessories for the portable radio: belt-clip, antenna, lithium battery pack and drop-in charger. The package allows users to speed up play and increase customer satisfaction on any golf course with the ClubCall Food Ordering Package. Utilizing the Callbox at the 9th or 18th Tee Box, a Base Station in the kitchen area, and a handheld radio used by anyone who isn’t near a Base Station allows golfers to quickly stop for snacks at the turn, increasing revenue and customer satisfaction for the Club.
- RQX-427-XT-CC (Wireless Callbox)
- JBS-447D-GG (Base Station Radio)
- JBS-MMK Mounting Bracket
- NT-470-GG (Portable Radio with LCD Display)
- Belt-clip
- Antenna
- Lithium battery pack
- Drop-in charger
* 1-year manufacturer's warranty on all items.