This 4 Axis CNC USB Controller is designed to be used for notebook and tablets simple configuration and compatibility. The card can run what all other MACH 3 controllers can run and supports the drive shaft and the driven shaft gantry supports automatic leveling and has an output pulse 100 KHz.
CNC USB MACH3 100Khz Breakout Board 4 Axis Interface Driver Motion Controller Features:
- Support for 4-axis linkage you can connect four stepper motor drives or servo drives;
- Maximum step-pulse frequency is 100KHz which is suitable for the servo or stepping motor;
- Support automatic probe tool
- Support Emergency input
- Support for limit switch
- Support for connecting electronic handwheel
- Need use external 24V DC power supply to isolate USB and external port and to make the system more stable
- Have 0-10V output port you can use mach3 software to control the spindle motor speed.
- 4 general-purpose inputs you can connect the limit switch estop switch probe switch back to zero and other device
- 4 general-purpose isolated relay drive output interface can drive four relays for controlling the spindle starts forward rotating and reverse rotating pumps and other device
- 1 status LED indicate connection status on the board
Manual and Driver Downloads Click On Links to Download or View
Setup Instructions
Step 1: Installing Mach3: You will need to purchase a Mach3 license and download the software. If you already have a licensed copy of Mach3 skip this step.
Step 2: Download the USB Motion Driver RnRMotion.dll from the link above and copy and paste the file into your Mach3 Plugins folder Example: ""C:/Users/ProgramFiles/Mach3/Plugins""
Step 3: Make sure you board is connected to the PC via USB cable. It should automatically recognize the USB device.
Step 4: Open Mach3 and you should be prompted to select a driver. Select the ""RnRMotionController"" and check ""Don't ask me again"". This will allow your board to communicate with Mach3.
Step 5: Download the XML Mach3 Config File above by right clicking on the link and selecting ""save as"". Save the Mach3Mill.xml file in your Mach3 root folder.
Package Includes:
- 1 x USB CNC Controller Card
- 1 x USB cable