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SKU 171026: Battery Wall Charger - EU
SKU 171027: Battery Wall Charger - CHINA
SKU 171028: Battery Wall Charger - UK
SKU 171029: Battery Wall Charger - AUSTRALIA
For those looking for the US variant, 171025 has been replaced by 127111.
For HMT-1 and HMT-1Z1. Compatible with the HMT-1Z1 but not Intrinsically Safe. Can be used with the HMT-1Z1 outside of hazardous locations.
The Battery Wall Charger is an extra charger for recharging the HMT-1 and HMT-1Z1. Extra chargers and cables are needed if there are multiple locations where HMT-1s and HMT-1Z1s can be charged (eg. office, workstation, tool crib, service vehicle). They also minimize downtime in case a charger is ever misplaced. Each HMT-1 and HMT-1Z1 ships with a regional charger; for international deployments or travel, regional wall chargers are also available.
USB cables sold separately:
- SKU 171016:
- SKU 171019: